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Neoliberalism as Neocolonialism.


This collection of resources has been brought together under the theme of 'Neoliberalism as neocolonialism'. These resources represent just a fraction of the decades old, multi-disciplinary, and global discourse on this theme, spearheaded by leftist PoC & women from across the developing world.  As the first resource in the list exemplifies, if you dispute the usefulness of the term"neoliberalism", or its embodiment of racist neocolonialism, you are not just disagreeing with "white, western Bernie-bro's". You are erasing millions of oppressed voices globally who, after decades of multi-disciplinary discourse, understand this concept to the point of it being in popular culture. It is not they who are all mistaken.



Neoliberalism and Climate Change


In this second resource collection on the theme of Neoliberalism, we look at the role of neoliberalism in climate change, and the ongoing travesty that is a barely discussed, man-made, sixth mass extinction. Life cannot continue to function as we have all come to expect if we continue this already well-trodden path, a path laid own by decades of neoliberal political economic dominance, and hegemony within the halls of international development and those responsible for doing something to stop it. This is what the Left have constantly been asked to vote for in the West as a "lesser evil", and look where it has taken us: to the brink of runaway climate change and ecological collapse. I do not see how any benefit one could cherry-pick that balances that crime against humanity.


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